New release!

Yay! Talk Hockey to Me is now available!

Last year when I was writing this book, I was afraid I would never finish it. We all know how difficult last year was (and still is). My writing was seriously impacted. I started writing it, then stopped. This took way longer than it should have. But I did go back to it and persevered and finished the book. And I think it turned out great. (Readers do too, so far, so yay!)

Then I wasn’t sure it would be published. After waiting a couple of months, my publisher decided they aren’t publishing any more books. I was okay with that, mostly happy to have a decision, because I could publish it myself. And I did. After time for edits, cover, blurb, etc. we finally have Talk Hockey to Me out in the wild!

It won’t be that long until my next release — stay tuned!

Kelly Jamieson