WIPs and Chains

Lately I've had a flood of story ideas in my brain. The dilemma of course is – which one do I work on first? I already mentioned that I have three works in progress. But when I get a new idea, I get intrigued by that idea and want to run with it.

Am I in danger of becoming one of those writers who starts things and never finishes them?

Now, it’s not like I’ve never completed a book. I have 12 contracted books (10 already out and 2 more coming out) and I have – count ‘em – 6 completed manuscripts sitting waiting (for what, I’m not sure, but there they are). So I can do it. I’ve done it before. But geez, it’s been a while…and I’m wondering if I need to exercise some serious self-discipline and just work on one project and FINISH IT.

The ideas will still be there to work on when I’m finished – right? But what if it’s not fun? I love writing – I love so much about it. Becoming my characters, getting in their heads, living in their world, solving plot problems, finding beautiful new words and new ways to put words together that say exactly what I want to say. If it’s not fun, I just think – shouldn’t it be?